Monday, January 14, 2013

Clean Eating Reflections

I'm really glad I did the Clean Eating challenge.  I wasn't perfect, but overall ate much better than I usually do (and lost a couple lbs!). 

I found some recipes and ingredients that I like enough to add to my regular meal rotation, once I have one.  I confirmed some I don't like too, which is fine.  I think it's important to keep trying things, you never know.  I eat a lot of things now that I would have said "NO WAY" to a couple of years ago.

I definitely overhauled the amount of food I expect to eat at each meal.  A lot of these meals I just really didn't think would be enough food, but I survived and wasn't even starving most of the time!

I do have a lot more energy...who would have thought that claim was actually true??

I'm inspired to continue on this path as best I can.  Obviously I'll have splurge days (like yesterday at my niece's party) but hopefully I can better control my splurges.

Overall, this was a very positive experience!

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